Langdon - tradução para francês
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Langdon - tradução para francês

Langdon (disambiguation)

Langdon, male first name
Down, family name; Johan Langdon Down (1828-96), English physician after whom Down's syndrome is named



Langdon may refer to:

Exemplos de pronúncia para Langdon
1. - Find Professor Langdon.
A Career in Curiosity _ Brian Grazer _ Talks at Google
2. Here's Professor Langdon examining a GPS dot,
3. I'd say Langdon Gilkey would say--
Making Sense of God - An Invitation to the Skeptical _ Tim Keller _ Talks at Google
4. Langdon Gilkey was a young man who
Making Sense of God - An Invitation to the Skeptical _ Tim Keller _ Talks at Google
5. of a guy named Langdon Gilkey.
Making Sense of God - An Invitation to the Skeptical _ Tim Keller _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para Langdon
1. Il y eut męme quelques huées, timides toutefois, mais surtout, l‘un des moments clé de l‘histoire, lorsque le professeur Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) rév';le ŕ Sophie Neveu (Audrey Tautou) sa filiation directe avec Jésus–Christ, a été accueilli par quelques rires francs, manifestation d‘un malheureux comique involontaire.